As a district we are constantly growing, and even more so with scouting becoming more and more popular with young people. We want to give as much as we can to all the young people that want to be apart of the scouting family. We want to focus on giving the young people the best experiences and adventures we possibly can.
But we cannot do it without the help and support of adult volunteers.
We have over 700 young people mastering new skills and making new memories and adventures every single week. All these young people are then supported by over 150 adult volunteers to provide these adventures, but to also try something new for themselves and meet new people.
If you would like to find out how you can help please get in contact with us here
Whether it is one night a week, one hour a week or a couple of hours a month, be it in uniformed leader’s role, or a back of house support, you can play a key role to keep your local scouting growing and allowing us to give experiences of a lifetime to 100’s of young people. You will receive full training and support to help you settle into your role, plus you will have the help of the other adult volunteers that you will be with to welcome you into the movement.
If one of the vacancies above are not what you are after we are always after people to fill any of the roles listed below!
Lots of people say that they would like to give something to back their community – but not sure how to. Volunteering to help local scouting is the perfect way to help your local community. Below are just a few of the roles that can be done as a member of the scouting movement.
We are always looking for section team leaders and team members for Squirells, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. It is a hugely rewarding role as in many cases you get to also take part on the adventures and activities. Your able to work directly with the young people, get involved with their tasks and see the rewards they get out of scouting, from getting badges to going on camp. Every part of scouting is rewarding. And these roles are the most frontline you can get with working with the fantastic young people we have in our groups.
Maybe your not looking for such a hands on role as working with the young people but still want to help local scouting. Maybe being on a group trustee board is the ideal role. Most groups are always looking for people to work behind the scenes of the group to make sure there is enough money and support to keep the group running smoothly. Members of group trustee board can be Chairs, Treasurer or simply a seat at the table. This can be a great way to help support your local scouting if your not looking to work directly with the young people but want to give back to scouting. Another positive to these roles is that it might not be every week commitments, so if your limited to the time you can give, this again might be ideal role.
If you are not looking for a weekly commitment but want to help where needed then maybe the group Team Member is the perfect role. This means that you are able to help when needed. This could be helping once a term on a parent rota, helping with fundraising, helping with building maintenace or helping and taking part of a group or district or even national camp. The best thing about this role is that your ready to go when needed as you will already have a DBS in place so you can jump in straight away when needed.
These are just a few of the many roles that are available to adults who want to volunteer with their local scout group. For more detailed role description and to look at other scouting roles please click for more info.